Toby as a White Mughal
Toby as a White Mughal

Preliminary sketch

Ochterlony's household
Ochterlony's household

High fired stoneware

Characters from Colonial India

Indian Toby
Indian Toby

Toby smokes a hookah

Text on Loony Akhtar
Text on Loony Akhtar

High fired ceramics

Detail of two Bibi's
Detail of two Bibi's

from Ochterlony’s household

Wives of Ochterlony
Wives of Ochterlony

The many wives of Dvid Ochterlony shown in the style of Toby Jugs from Staffordshire.

Toby Jugs

Ochterlony's household
Ochterlony's household

Detail of one of the women who are part of Sir David Ochterlony’s 13 wives. The work is fictional as there is no surviving visual material on the women.


High fired stoneware, Nautch dancers , visualised from company school paintings

Nautch Troupe
Nautch Troupe

Illustration inspired from Company School paintings

Enjoying a Nautch Party
Enjoying a Nautch Party

High Fired Ceramics

Based on Company School Painting

Zoffany the Womaniser
Zoffany the Womaniser

Portrait of Johan Zoffany and Asaf-Ud-Daula in Awadh just before the cock fight. Inspired from Staffordshire Flatbacks.


High Fired Stoneware

Image of Khairunissa as a melancholy figure

Sad Story of Khairunissa
Sad Story of Khairunissa

Staffordshire style Flatback illustrating the story of Khairunissa from the book White Mughals

Text on Baiza Bai
Text on Baiza Bai

HIgh fired ceramics

I wish I was a Marattha
I wish I was a Marattha

Fanny Parks meets Baiza Bai

The Banker Queen
The Banker Queen

Water color and Pen

Fanny Parks
Fanny Parks

HIgh Fired Stoneware

Fanny Parks rides a horse in India

Baiza Bai
Baiza Bai

Queen and Banker Baiza Bai

About Fanny Parks
About Fanny Parks
The writer and the Queen
The writer and the Queen

High Fired Stoneware

Fanny Parks meets Baiza Bai

How to meet your future wife
How to meet your future wife

High fired Stoneware

Job Charnok saves a princess from Sati

Preliminary sketch for Job Charnok
Preliminary sketch for Job Charnok

pen and ink

text for Job Charnok
text for Job Charnok

high fired Stoneware

exhibition picture
exhibition picture

Exhibition at china hall in Spode works, Stroke on Trent, UK

Beyond White Mughals
Beyond White Mughals

A series of objects which addressearly days of Company Rule in India.

Toby as a White Mughal
Ochterlony's household
Indian Toby
Text on Loony Akhtar
Detail of two Bibi's
Wives of Ochterlony
Ochterlony's household
Nautch Troupe
Enjoying a Nautch Party
Zoffany the Womaniser
Sad Story of Khairunissa
Text on Baiza Bai
I wish I was a Marattha
The Banker Queen
Fanny Parks
Baiza Bai
About Fanny Parks
The writer and the Queen
How to meet your future wife
Preliminary sketch for Job Charnok
text for Job Charnok
exhibition picture
Beyond White Mughals
Toby as a White Mughal

Preliminary sketch

Ochterlony's household

High fired stoneware

Characters from Colonial India

Indian Toby

Toby smokes a hookah

Text on Loony Akhtar

High fired ceramics

Detail of two Bibi's

from Ochterlony’s household

Wives of Ochterlony

The many wives of Dvid Ochterlony shown in the style of Toby Jugs from Staffordshire.

Toby Jugs

Ochterlony's household

Detail of one of the women who are part of Sir David Ochterlony’s 13 wives. The work is fictional as there is no surviving visual material on the women.


High fired stoneware, Nautch dancers , visualised from company school paintings

Nautch Troupe

Illustration inspired from Company School paintings

Enjoying a Nautch Party

High Fired Ceramics

Based on Company School Painting

Zoffany the Womaniser

Portrait of Johan Zoffany and Asaf-Ud-Daula in Awadh just before the cock fight. Inspired from Staffordshire Flatbacks.


High Fired Stoneware

Image of Khairunissa as a melancholy figure

Sad Story of Khairunissa

Staffordshire style Flatback illustrating the story of Khairunissa from the book White Mughals

Text on Baiza Bai

HIgh fired ceramics

I wish I was a Marattha

Fanny Parks meets Baiza Bai

The Banker Queen

Water color and Pen

Fanny Parks

HIgh Fired Stoneware

Fanny Parks rides a horse in India

Baiza Bai

Queen and Banker Baiza Bai

About Fanny Parks
The writer and the Queen

High Fired Stoneware

Fanny Parks meets Baiza Bai

How to meet your future wife

High fired Stoneware

Job Charnok saves a princess from Sati

Preliminary sketch for Job Charnok

pen and ink

text for Job Charnok

high fired Stoneware

exhibition picture

Exhibition at china hall in Spode works, Stroke on Trent, UK

Beyond White Mughals

A series of objects which addressearly days of Company Rule in India.

show thumbnails